art in motion
art in motion

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Featured Artist

Skye London

Featured Artist

Skye London

Skye has a style that exudes happiness. Her fun approach appeals to a wide range of art lovers. Always keeping an eye out for the latest trends, Skye is inspired by all things home decor related. Her art always reflects the freshest looks in art and design.

Skye resides in the Pacific north west with her dog Lucky, cat Miss Cuddles and miniature goats, Bert and Ernie. She is living her dream of working as a career artist.

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Featured Artist

Edith Phelps

Featured Artist

Edith Phelps

Edith Phelps spent the beginning of her career living in Florida, New York, and Los Angeles. Inspired by the multifaceted cultures and terrain her work grew from the seedlings of each State. The work has grown into mostly monochromatic palettes and is constantly pushing mediums to new levels. Her passion is to live with gratitude and create with joy.

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Featured Artist

Austin Allen James

Featured Artist

Austin Allen James

Austin Allen James is an artist, poet, professor, and father. Austin has been producing art for twenty-five years.  He enjoys the physical act of painting. Austin’s art is influenced by his life living near the Gulf Coast. His art captures energy and color in harmonious compositions.”


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Kimberly Werner

Local artist Kim...

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Kim Jones

Kim grew up in Houston, Texas, studied Art and Art Education at Tex...

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Key Zhou has studied and applied drawing, painting and...

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Kevin Richert

Kevin Richert was born in Ossining, New York, studied Drawing and P...

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Kevin O'Brien

"When young, Kevin O'Brien studied hard, played sports, an...

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Kerri Elliott


Kerri combines her life-long appreciati...

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Ken Roko

Born and raised a northern boy, Ken Roko grew up exploring the beau...

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Katija Bjelajac

~Born in Split, Croatia, Katija Bjelajac migrated with her parents ...

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Katie York

The expression of nature as shown through art and fashion are inspi...

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Katie Sue Blevins

Ever since she was able to hold tools, Katie Sue Blevins has been c...

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