Janel Bragg grew up in Florida, Washington State and Alaska, where her parents modeled and encouraged creativity. Studying English and Studio Art throughout her college experience, Janel continues to focus on design, color theory, figure drawing, and art history in her own art practice. Using primarily watercolor, casein, ink, charcoal and gesso, Bragg’s process involves working quickly and spontaneously from her own photography and imagination–adding life and movement to her paintings. She says that fourteen years of experimentation on her own has taught her the most, and that the encouragement of a mentor–who has heartened her since her father died–has given her the motivation to produce many paintings. Her work has been shown in galleries in Washington State, New York and Pennsylvania, including being juried into the 76th Annual Open International Exhibition of the Northwest Watercolor Society. She also works with art consultants who place her work in hospitality, corporate and healthcare settings.