"I simply cannot remember a time when I didn't paint." The visual world has always meant a great deal to Salliann Putman, particularly in terms of light and color. Very much aware of her immediate surroundings, it is often within the home that she finds her subject matter. "I am attracted to ordinary subject matter, which when bathed in a sympathetic light, becomes extraordinary."
Fascinated with color, light and space, much of Salliann's work begins with a quick drawing, an immediate response, and then the painting develops with imagination playing an important part. "As soon as I make a mark, or place a color, then the painting has its own life and makes its own demands. It is my concern, as a painter, to respond to these demands."
Salliann studied Fine Art at the West Surrey College of Art and Design, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Watercolor Society in 1999 and has been honored with numerous awards including The Royal Watercolor Society Award. In addition to gallery showings throughout Europe and North America, Salliann enjoys teaching painting to students of all ages.